Saudi Aramco CEO joins board of directors at BlackRock

Industry News

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s corporate leadership is reinforcing its position in international boardrooms, with Amin Nasser, CEO of the Saudi Arabian Oil Co., joining the board of the world’s largest asset manager BlackRock Inc.

According to an announcement by the US-based monolith on Monday, Nasser will join the board as an independent director replacing Bader Al-Saad, director general and chairman of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development.

The release further said that Nasser oversaw the successful listing of Aramco, the largest initial public offering in history, and would bring the board the perspective of a CEO at the helm of some of the most important business trends globally.

Nasser has been instrumental in steering the growth of Saudi Aramco, including leading the company’s entry into the global debt and capital markets with its first bond issuance in 2019.

According to BlackRock, one-third of its directors have been newly elected over the past five years, reflecting the company’s commitment to continually evolving and benefiting from fresh insights.

“Bader’s international investment experience has been instrumental to BlackRock’s success, and I sincerely thank him for his dedication to the firm,” said Laurence Fink, chairman and CEO of BlackRock, while thanking Bader Al-Saad for serving the company’s board.

Source: Arab News 

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