Niger to begin oil exports via Benin pipeline in January


Niger expects to export its first barrels of crude oil through a newly established Niger-Benin pipeline in January, as stated by the country’s military leader, Abdourahamane Tiani, on state television.

The export pipeline project, supported by PetroChina, was inaugurated on November 1, connecting Niger’s Agadem oilfield to the Benin port of Cotonou, Reuters reported.

Tiani mentioned in an interview on Niger’s RTS channel on Sunday that the storage tanks in Cotonou are currently being filled and are expected to be completed by January, marking the beginning of the commercialisation phase.

Niger is set to receive 25.4% of the 90,000 barrels per day (bpd) slated for export through the pipeline. The country currently operates a small oil refinery with a capacity of 20,000 bpd, primarily serving the domestic fuel market.


Source: Business Insider

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